so i'm at target on thursday~which let me say, is the BEST store on the planet..where else can you pick up a cute outfit and dinner at the same place. this whole pregnancy thing has been strange~it's like there are several stages of far, mainly it has been shock. everyone keeps asking the same question,"are you excited??" well, not yet. that might seem ungrateful or cold but it's just the truth. so while i'm at target i pass the maternity, they happened to be right next to the work out clothes. so i start to get upset that i've been working my ass off to get in shape...i've been so excited about my summer clothes fitting so much better this year than last...and now, i'll be living in these tents they call shirts for several months...ugh. no matter how cuter they make maternity clothes nowadays, they get all stretched out and gross. so i start feeling myself getting real bitter...i decided to go browse the cute baby stuff...maybe that will help jump start the excitement everyone has been looking for. so i'm looking around and all the adorable things when i spot the diaper bags...all of a sudden...panic. i start thinking, if i'm having another baby, do i carry two diaper bags now?? do i carry two small ones?? one small, one medium?? forgo a purse, and carry one huge ass diaper bag?? i can feel my face turning red and hot and the room started spinning~okay, that might be a little dramatic, but give me a break...i'm pregnant!! so i exit the baby gear and decide to go look at the cute baby matter what you think about babies, there clothes are soooo adorable. so i spot the little boy clothes and again, panic. what if this is a boy??? i have all girls clothes...i'll need all new clothes!! what if it's twins?? oh. my. this was too much. i had to exit before i spun out of control and caused a big scene. and i can't be causing a big scene and getting myself banned from target. talk about crisis. friend dana just got here...
to be continued....
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