Tuesday, July 1, 2008

this whole gas situation is ridiculous....

and i'm not speaking about the kind you put in your car. i have to say that i've been blessed with three (so far) relatively easy pregnancies. but there is something going on with this one that has me floored. i've heard of other women experiencing this while being pregnant but this is a first for me. i've got the most incredible gas you can imagine. it is so disgusting, it rivals my fourteen year old AND my husbands. if i was rude enough to do it in their presence, i could easily clear a room. they would be so proud.  i can honestly say that at this point, water is giving me gas...what is up?? it's so gross...this must be what it's like to be a man. but i haven't reached the point where i just let it rip with no regards to my surroundings...i keep it private...as it should be. but it is N-A-S-T-Y. so know that you know more about my gastrointestinal situation than you ever cared to...let's move on.
mackenzie is sick....was running a fever of over 104 degree temperature on sunday afternoon and we went to a clinic where they gave her a shot of antibiotics and started her on amoxicillin. doctor said that although her strep test was negative, he didn't like her high fever or the look of her throat. she seems to be feeling better now but it's been a rough couple of days..and nights. here's to hoping i'm not next...
on a much funnier note, i think mackenzie might have a future career in mind...future pussycat doll. she goes around singing, "don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me..don't you wish your girlfriend was a freak like me...don't cha?" just what every toddler should be singing, right?  atleast what little clothes they wear, they keep on...oh and if you are wondering where she heard it, it wasn't the radio....it was in "norbit." continues to be one of her favorites.

happy tuesday!


Anonymous said...

that is some funny stuff tracie!

dnoska said...

if it makes you feel better, kylie sings "i kissed a girl and i liked it" ... you may think its a stage -- oh, its not!