Thursday, November 15, 2007

little red corvette.....

so, i've been up since 6 am. i know what you're thinking~mackenzie. nope. oscar? wrong again. my husband. he decided to get up and get to rosenburg early this morning. now let me tell you something about cory. when he gets up and there is other people still sleeping, he doesn't tip-toe around, quietly shutting doors trying to be courteous to other people. oh no. he's banging around, turning on the lights. we've had several lessons on how to quietly shut a door and he just doesn't get it. but the funny part is why he got up so early. mcfarty has some of the craziest dreams and he takes them very seriously. once, he had a dream that i was cheating on him~as if i had the time~and he woke up mad at me. whatever...
so last night he told me that god told him to go ahead and get his corvette...what? HIS corvette?? as if there is one already out there with his name on it! now, in his defense, i can imagine that being in the car business and being around all those cars would be difficult. i mean, i can't go to target and just look~that's insane. i mean, he goes to the auction where they parade all the awesome cars out in front of you. and they look all shiny and cool. it's like the guy's version of the mall! so there is a good chance that he may come home with a corvette today. and you know, i use to try and talk him out of it. i mean, we are a family of 5~it doesn't make sense to have a car that only seats 2. but i've given up. if he gets one, good for him. he did buy me a very, very nice car for mother's day. and i'll have a cool car to take out on girl's night~woo hoo!! because i hate to break it to him but the minute we said "i do" HIS corvette became OUR corvette. guess god forgot to mention that one.
bye for now!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Save that seat for me!