Monday, July 30, 2007

lookin' for some big love....

ok, so cory and i watch this show called "big love" on hbo~we love it. it's a show about a guy and his three (yes, three) wives. they are polygamist who live in utah~go figure! anyway, we really love this show. we've been watching it for several seasons now and cory has always teased me about getting a second wife. at first, i have to admit, i was offended! i mean, i'm not enough for him??? he needs another wife to make him happy?? another woman to pick up his crap and bitch about his snoring?? but after watching the show and really giving it some serious thought, they may be on to something. how many times have you wished you could clone yourself just to get more done in a day?? and how many things would you love to put off on someone else but no one is willing to step in and do it?? these women on the show, they call each other "sister wives" are really close and really love and care for each other. yeah, they have their differences but what marriage doesn't, right? atleast if you had a "sister" wife, you'd have a live-in girlfriend! someone to always be there to listen to you bitch about your/her husband! chances are, she'd have the same complaints. and just think, if you got to hand pick her yourself~which cory swears i could do! you don't feel like cooking one night, call the sister wife! too tired for laundry, you're up sister! now the only tricky part, i guess, would be the sex thing. i mean just because i don't feel like having sex with my husband doesn't mean i want some other woman doing it. but then again, if she cleans my toilets when she's done..well...........................
have a good night! and check out "big love" we'll be taking applications soon! ha! ha!


Anonymous said...

What can I say! You crack me up! I guess I'm going to need to get HBO pretty soon. Great blog, by the way!

Missmindy said...

What if you got a sister wife like Nicki though and she stole your fridge so she could run over it in front of her parents house??? The thing that gets me about the show is that they're all so nuts, but it's not fueled by alcohol since they don't drink. They really are all that CRAZY and that's scary!