Friday, May 13, 2011

oh, baby.

the national geographic channel has a show called "taboo" that features certain topics that are socially, well, taboo. this little doozy aired recently and while i didn't see the whole episode, i heard a little about it on the radio and found this video...prepare yourself...

what. a. freak. show. i'm not sure where to begin. for one, who knew they made onesies in men's size 3-XL? there is no male on this planet that should even consider footie, onsie pj's past the age of 5..maybe 6. two, can you even imagine what a grown, 300 pound man's dirty diaper smells like?? i know that layton is 2 1/2 and it's getting worse by the day. and, i believe that if you are capable of BUILDING your own crib, you are much too old to be SLEEPING in one. and going to lowe's to buy lumber to make his own high chair?? and what's up with this woman that she's willing to take care of this jack ass?? pacifiers, bottles, toys, a reinforced play-pen to hold is big ass..this guy didn't miss a beat and what exactly is in those bottles because this guy sure ain't missing any meals.

the technial term for this is infantilism..however, i think it's just a fancy word for LAZY. i mean, this guy doesn't even want to be bothered to go to the bathroom on a toilet or wipe his own ass. call is what you want, but this guy is L-A-Z-Y.

so, please, share you thoughts on this. did anyone see the whole thing?? i'm dying to see all of it!!


Carly Rodriguez said...

What.the.... that is some weird crap!

HMitch76 said...

Ha Ha Ha!! I saw this entire episode. Couldn't believe people like this existed. I didn't even think about dirty diapers. Disgusting!!!

When I saw the title of your blog I thought you might be pregnant (even though you recently said no more babies)

Audra said...

I didn't see it, but I saw the advertisements while watching about the Hutterites. I'm glad I didn't watch because it sounds absolutely disgusting. I mean she changed his diaper??? Talk about shit happening...