Tuesday, May 5, 2009

can't deny this relation...

the above picture is of layton now~between 5-6 months~and the bottom is of mackenzie at the same age. they look like the same baby!!


Lindsay G said...

Yes, they do! I love the expressions!

HMitch said...

OMG! I honestly thought you put a swim suit on your little boy. How funny & cute!

two in fourteen months said...

I can not believe how much they look alike...I thought maybe Mac wanted to play dress up with Layton :)

Brenda Eckert said...

Oh my - I thought you had put a gitlie bathing suit on Layton. They do look exactly the same!

mctaylor.3@gmail.com said...

I love that they have the same expression!! I too thought you had Layton in a girlie bathing suit!!!