Tuesday, January 13, 2009

sweet baby layton...

layton is 8 weeks old today....he weighs over 11 pounds and is a happy boy...he's smiling a lot now!
we are going to houston next week for layton to have another procedure on his heart. he has a condition called aortic valve stenosis and they need to go in and balloon up one of his valves. the doctors are very optimistic that things will go very smoothly and they won't need to operate to repair or replace the valve. 

please keep us in your prayers. i'll keep everyone posted while we are in houston.


Lindsay G said...

He's precious! Love the little smile :)

The Nowell's said...

What a great smile! It is so cute! You can tell Mackenzie loves being a big sister! We will be keeping your family in our prayers!

Anonymous said...

Oh Tracie he is so sweet, keeping your family in my prayers!

Anonymous said...

Tracie, he looks so precious!! You are getting good with the camera my dear. Hope all goes well :) Love you all.